Which incision is better?

There are three choices we use for incisions:

  1. Just under the areola
  2. In the fold or natural crease of the breast
  3. In the armpit

You may have heard of the “belly button” incision, but take that with a grain of salt – it is American marketing more than a good technique – it is difficult to get a good shape or make any adjustments through that incision.

The armpit incision can be appealing, but if you need another procedure, we will use one of the other incisions for access. Remember also, that you show your armpits to a lot more people than you show your breasts. In other words, most women tend to wear sleeveless outfits more commonly than they would go topless. The armpit incision can look quite good, but sometimes can be obvious.

The incision under the areola can also look good. But, if it turns out not to be a good scar, it will be very obvious. It is also the incision that is most likely to interfere with nipple sensation. Although loss of feeling is rare (and usually just temporary), it can be a very important issue for some patients.

The incision under the breast – in the fold or just above it – is our preferred location. It cannot usually be seen when standing, and it only rarely interferes with feeling. It also is the most commonly used approach if you should need any later surgery or adjustments.

All the incisions are usually about 4 – 4.5cm in length.

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