Other Procedures


As abdominoplasty is an integral part of Hamish’s breast reconstructive practice he continues to offer this as a stand alone procedure.

Abdominoplasty is an option for whom diet and exercise have not improved the contours of the abdomen. This often occurs in women following pregnancy where the skin and muscles are stretched so much that they don’t return to normal. In this procedure, the sagging skin and excess fat of the abdomen will be removed, and usually the muscles of the abdomen wall will be surgically tightened, improving the abdomen’s function and shape. This results in a flatter, firmer and shapely abdomen. Technique

Abdominoplasty involves a 2-4 day hospital stay. You will have a general anaesthetic and the operation takes 1.5 to 2 hours to do. Afterwards you will have a girdle for the next month which we will organise for you. There are drain tubes, an IV drip and you will usually have push button pain control for the first day or two. We will give you needles to help prevent blood clots and you will wear stockings from before your operation till a week after you have left hospital. You will have a scar across the lower tummy which is as long as your shape needs, and we try to keep this inside the lines normally covered by clothes or bathers.

Things to Consider

Patients need to be fit enough to have this surgery, and this includes having a reasonable body weight. For patients needing to lose weight, this must be done prior to surgery as significant weight loss after a tummy tuck can make the skin look loose again. Being overweight and unfit will also increase the risks of complications, and make your recovery harder.

The scar is a long one, and as the abdomen is stretched tight at the end of the operation, the scar will occasionally become thickened and wide as it heals, in contrast to the often fine scars following a Caesar (where there is no tension on the scar).

Muscle tightening will significantly improve the shape of your tummy, but you need to let this heal before stressing it. There is no driving permitted for four weeks after this operation, and heavy lifting >5kg should be avoided for 6 weeks.  You should be aware of the risks and understand the possible complications that can occur, what can be done about these, and what down-time and costs may be involved if further surgery is needed.  It is extremely important to ensure you have the right information and choose the right surgeon before proceeding with your surgery.

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